Watched a few DVD's over the holidays. Here are some Quickie reviews of a few:
GRIZZLY MAN: Genius. I loved this movie. If I had a top ten list of 2005, this would be right up there. Great documentary by a master filmaker that is getting better with age. Its not Fitzcarldo, but same themes. Only this time its fact not fiction. A Truly wonderful documentary.
2046: Wong Kar-wei. What more I there to say. I reviewed this back in the summer. My thoughts have not changed at all. Remarkable. My favorite film of 05. Kar-wei will you marry me?
DOMINION: PREQUEL TO THE EXORCIST: I saw Renny Harlin's Exorcist: The beginning and gagged. This film is a redemption of sorts. Totally different film, and a vastly improved one at that. This is a character piece that has pyschological horror. Not blood and guts. The special effects are laughable, but if you can get beyond that and look at the story and characters, you will have a good time and as always writer/director Paul Schrader gives you something to think about after you watch the movie. I wish I had his resume!
SKY HIGH: A lot of people told me how good and fun this was. Maybe I was in a bad mood. It just kind of sat there. Liked the concept, but I've seen it before when it was called Volcano High. Cool scenes and a good kid movie, just didn't entertain the comic geek in me enough.
PALINDROMES: Good old Todd Solendz tells the story of a runaway girl played by several different actresses. Not only that but they are all different ages and races as well. This movie kind of won me over after a while for some reason. Its got its usual Soledz awkwardness, but enough good moments to recommend it to the other freaks out there.
MYSTERIOUS SKIN: Greg Akari tries to creep you out again with another wonderful tale of homo-erotic teenage fun. This movie gave me the creeps, and not in a good way. I think I've moved past this kind of film in my life. I understand what he wanted to say, but it didn't mean much to me. It was better than Fantastic 4 if you have to choose...
UNDEAD: Great Zombie flick form Australia. Check out the documentary on the DVD of the making. The directors really put everything they had into this thing.
DEMON SEED: Wonderful Julie Christie exploitation. Guy builds a super computer in his basement that ends up raping his girlfriend and impregnating her. They must destroy the evil computer before he is able to birth the Demon Seed!!!! Classic. By he way the computer looks like one of the labyryth puzzle boxes in Hellraiser. Gives new meaning to cybersex. But this was made way before that term was even a reality. Check it for fun.
INSIDE DEEP THROAT: disappointing documentary that misses the mark about the impact on government policy that the little classic XXX ditty Deep Throat had. Didn't go deep enough for me. But that's my hangup.