Iron Man Exclusive Trailer
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
DVD REVIEW: Justice League: The New Frontier

As a big fan of DC Comics and it's characters I always look forward to any new movies, toons, or comics that might offer me something new. Having not heard of Darwin Cook's graphic series, New Frontier aside from seeing the action figures at the comic shop I was anxious to see this new take on the Justice League series. I grew up loving the Justice League comics and TV shows as a kid. Loved the tension between Batman and Superman in the league. To me the best incarnation of the JLA was not too long ago on the Cartoon network's Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. It really had a cool edge to it, that the old Super Friends show did not. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking the old Super Friends show, but it was for kiddos and once you got into the comics you realize how much they really missed on that old show. Cutting to the chase, several years ago, Darwin Cook wrote this version of the JLA that takes place in the 50's/60's that shows our heroes dealing with the issues of the day ala JFK, MLK and other relevant social issues. It's a more realistic world and the violence that happens is not fantastic it's real. Which brings us to the DC Direct to DVD movie...In the first scene, Hal Jordon (AKA Green Lantern) is shot down by a communist jet and lands in an enemy trench, he struggles with a commie, until finally shooting him in the head with blood splattered on his face after he pulls the trigger. Like I said this is not Super Friends.

The animation is stripped down and very 50/60's style. It is stylized but in a good way. The characters seem fresh this time around. Many of their origins are shown here, like Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern. A lot of this movie takes place around the time of the Space Race, so The Green Lantern is more or less the main character of this one. However he does not become the Lantern till almost the end of the movie. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Flash are the main characters. They recently disbanded the Justice Society because of disagreements on how to handle situations. This disagreement is somewhat of an analogy for the situation that America is in with racism and communism trials. Its a really brilliant idea, and one can only hope that the current in production live action Justice League can muster a tenth of this story's significance.

Reading comics and especially The Justice League made you feel as kid that if you work as a team with others you can make a difference in the world no matter how large the problems may be. It gave me hope as a kid. And this film represents that hope once again that we need heroes, we need hope. The animation and voice work here is really good. I missed some of the voices from the recently canceled JLA Unlimited, but the new voices are still very good, just takes getting used to. There are also several documentaries on the disc including a long one chronicling the history of every era of the JL in the comics. There is also a great documentary on the evolution of the Legion of Doom.
So if you love Superman, Batman, or any of the Justice League heroes check this movie out. It's rated PG-13 and it means it. To see the official website click HERE. The trailer is down below, and a great review can be found HERE.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Equilateral on !

My good buddy, Jon Keeyes was nice to let my short film site, show his short film, Equilateral. It's a comedy spoof of the Christian Bale movie Equilibrium from a few years back. It's very well crafted and directed by Mr. Keeyes. Lot's of local talent from Ft. Worth involved in this short. Also check the behind the scenes video produced exclusively for
Equilateral: In a futuristic world, comic books have been outlawed. To destroy the rebels, a militant faction called The Shredders has sprung up. Now, one of the Shredders will have to decide between the law he enforces and the world of free thought and expression.
Hope everyone enjoys the film, I hope to up production on these shorts soon, so there will be more! Again, check back and enjoy the other shorts on the site, send them to your friends, embed them on your sites, blogs, and myspace pages.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
DVD Review: Highlander: The Source

I reviewed this earlier on the blog back in the summer I think when it came out on the Sci-Fi Channel. As an avid Highlander fan I was underwhelmed to say the very least. Well now its out on DVD, and I decided to give it another chance, if anything for the extra features. On the sci-fi broadcast it was very hazy and cropped to hell. Well at least on this nice new dvd, you can see it in the proper anamorphic aspect ratio and the special effects don't look as bad. However, the movie itself is still a total mess. (This is Highlander part 5 for those of you counting)If you are a strict and completest Highlander fan, then there is a terrific tribute to Highlander producer Bill Panzer who passed away before this movie came out. He had produced all the movies and the long running Highlander TV series. Also there is documentary of the making of The Source that is really cool. For one its tons of B-Roll from pre-production to the end of production and is really interesting to see the Highlander team do their thing. The documentary is actually longer than the movie itself! Too bad the movie itself is such rubbish. Still if your a Highlander fan, a dvd you must put on your shelf. It will make a nice bookend with Highlander 2:The Quickening! There can be only five. The dvd comes out on Tuesday, Feb. 26th.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Review: There Will Be Blood

Daniel Day Lewis is a BADASS. He owns this movie. At no point did I ever say to myself, I'm watching Daniel Day Lewis. The guy just transforms himself into his character of Daniel Plainview an oilman of the early 1900's oil boom in America. A story about family, greed, religion, and oil, centered around a turn-of-the-century prospector in the early days of the business.
This film besides King of Kong is one of my favs for 07. PT Anderson is a favorite director of mine ever since Hard Eight and Boogie Nights. Here he continues his growth as a storyteller and a director. The supporting cast is nothing short of great. This movie feels real. The photography and the music are spot on. The score by Jonny Greenwood is much like the Shining. Yes the score is almost anti-score, like shrieks and howls. Very moving. I would put this movie in the all time classic category if not for the very predictable ending, which is sad considering the build up of the last 2 hours. Although I enjoyed seeing what happened to these characters in the future I didn't like leaving them in the present. I didn't like being ripped from that world and thrown into the future.
And my favorite part of the film was Dillon Freasier's portrail of Plainview's son, HW Plainview. HW is only about 6 or 7 years old but goes everywhere with his dad, even to meetings. And once you see this movie you will want HW to be in every meeting you;ve ever had. He is that cool.

A truly great film that belongs in the upper tier of classics. A true film in every respect, the kind that people discuss for years. This is truly one film experience you will never forget on the big screen.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Seventy-8 will be Unleashed!
Seventy-8 trailer from on Vimeo.
Great news on the Seventy-8 front! Director Uwe Boll's company Boll World Sales picked up Seventy-8 for Worldwide distribution. They plan on releasing the film in several territories including Australia, New Zealand, and Germany among others. They also plan on taking it to the film market at Cannes in May '08 to try and sell it in more territories. So keep your fingers crossed. There is no U.S. release yet... We are working with Brightlight Entertainment in Vancouver on the dvd stuff now. We will keep you updated on any new information as it develops. Thanks again to all of you who worked so hard on the film, this kind of stuff does not happen without all of you.
As a token of my thanks, I'm gonna leak the gag reel... and a fresh version of the trailer.
78 gag reel from on Vimeo.
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