Monday, November 29, 2010
4 X 4 Camaro
This is the latest short film from my little short film web outfit, This is a short subject documentary entitled, "4 X 4 Camaro". This documentary marks the directing debut of my assistant editor and partner at, Coleman Anderson. I put him through the trenches and really made him work for this and hope the outcome has payed off.
As producer of this film, I had a great time. Not having the pressure of directing was kinda nice! Anyway enough of my dribble. Enjoy the Doc....
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Spring Awakening at Bass Performance Hall!
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Unfair Park runs a story on The Bobbie Archive!
Bobbie Wygant Interviews David Letterman from on Vimeo.
Bobbie Wygant Interviews Jay Leno in 1987 from on Vimeo.
Friday, November 05, 2010
"Conviction" Dallas Premiere

Thursday, November 04, 2010
"Drumline" Red Carpet Test Shoot
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Bobbie Wygant Interviews Sigourney Weaver for Aliens
I've been on a major S-Weav kick lately. Don't know why. Here is a great interview with her from Aliens...
Bobbie Wygant interviews Arthur C. Clark for "2010"
I found this awesome interview with Arthur C. Clark in the Bobbie Archives!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Spring Awakening and Cirque Dreams Illumination Spots
Spring Awakening :30 Spot from Bass Performance Hall on Vimeo.
November 9-10, 2010
Bass Performance Hall
Fort Worth, Texas
Tickets available at
(817) 212-4280 or toll-free (877) 212-4280
Cirque Dreams Illumination :30 Spot from Bass Performance Hall on Vimeo.
November 30- December 5, 2010
Bass Performance Hall
Fort Worth, Texas
Tickets available at
817-212-4280 or Toll Free 877-212-4280
An Interview with T-Bone Burnett by Bobbie Wygant
Quick Flat Fix
TCC Blue Can V1 from immotionstudios on Vimeo.
Performing Arts of Fort Worth 2010/11 Season Reel
PAFW 2010/2011 Season Video Reel from immotionstudios on Vimeo.
Immotion Studios worked with Performing Art Fort Worth developing a season video to showcase their 2010/2011 season.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
RIP: Sally Menke

One of the finest editors of all time, Sally Menke has gone to the skies above today. To me Sally was as much a part of Tarantino as any of his collaborators. My heart and thoughts go out to her family and to QT. The relationship between them was deep. She edited every one of his films. Here is a short documentary on her from the Death Proof film.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
One Square Mile: Fort Worth, Texas
Great documentary on the tiny community of Como where abouts I work.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Not My Idea
Here is a little short film I made today at lunch. Fun.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Bobbie Wygant Reviews The Shining
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Zu:The Portfolio
My cat Zu, now has his own website...because of his crazy modeling career. Click HERE to see his site, and book him for any gigs...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Scott Pilgrim (International Trailer)
Monday, June 14, 2010

Congrats to fellow Funky Town filmmaker James M. Johnson cast and crew for completion on principle photography on "Knife". Looking forward to seeing this thing! It stars Charles Baker from "Breaking Bad". Congrats James!
You can check out James blog HERE for any updates on the project.

Seventy-8 now available on Amazon Video on Demand

Hey all you Seventy-8 fans out there! You can now rent/download the film On Amazon's Video on Demand service. It's a $1.99 rental for 7 days or you can really help me out and buy the thing for your own digital download collection for $19.99.
Click HERE for the link and enjoy.
Photos of the Day

Soon I will be writing an article here on the blog about the amazing new trend sweeping the filmmaking arena, and that is DSLR moviemaking. I am really having a fun time working in this realm. Sure its a bit more complicated and time consuming but the images are breathtaking and worth the extra effort. Also during this time because it is in fact a pretty bad ass still camera, I have rediscovered my love of photography. I guess I have my Dad to thank for that gift he has passed along to me. To me taking pictures is a lot like fishing was with my Grandfather. Just have a lot of patience and soon something amazing happens. ANd when it does it is all worth it. I have been posting these occasionally on Facebook as my Photo of the Day series. Here I have chosen a few I have posted there and will start posting them both places from now on. I hope you like them, and hopefully I can make them a part of my blogging process.
Paul Unger's new website!
Click HERE to see the site. Go Paul! Here is a performance of his I shot for him at the Scat Lounge in downtown Fort Worth.
James Henry Band: Free Fallin'
AWG Laundry Video
Short Film: Wax on F__k Off
Review: Best Worst Movie
Immotion Day at the Races
Bobbie Wygant battles Jackie Chan for Kung-Fu Supremacy
Bobbie Wygant reviews The Empire Strikes Back!
Check out my boss lady Bobbie take on Lucas and the Empire from 1980. Use the force.
Friday, May 28, 2010
The 60 Second Cooking Show
Best Choice 60 Second Cooking Show: Easy Beef Fajitas! from Immotion Studios on Vimeo.
This is the first episode of a new web cooking series for Best Choice. In this episode we look at making Easy Beef Fajitas. Mmm, enjoy!
Directed and Edited by Erik Clapp
Written by and Starring Patti Nelson Bandy
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Making it Fresh: Making The Fresh Show
Making It Fresh: Making The Fresh Show from Immotion Studios on Vimeo.
The making of the basketball web series "The Fresh Show" with behind the scenes footage and interviews with series creators Erik Clapp and Coleman Anderson.
First off thanks to everyone for all their kind words about the final episode. We couldn't do it without all your support.
You can now see a special Behind the Scenes episode called "Making it Fresh: Making The Fresh Show". This has behind the scenes footage and interviews with myself, Coleman Anderson, and Jay Bowdy about the genesis of the show. Stay tuned during the credits for some funny business. Peace to you all!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Fresh Show: The Final Episode
The Fresh Show: The Final Episode from Immotion Studios on Vimeo.
In this final episode of the season, The Fresh enter the playoffs and face a much improved Texas Fuel team. Tensions between the player and the refs heat up in this fast paced exciting final episode of The Fresh Show.
Series Created by Erik Clapp and Coleman Anderson
Paul Unger's Miles Davis Tribute Band
The Miles Davis Tribute Band led by Paul Unger from on Vimeo.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Fearless Film Fest Web Series Panel 2010
Filmmaker Erik Clapp at The Fearless Film Festival's Web Series Panel from on Vimeo.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Conversations With Coleman
Conversations With Coleman Part One from on Vimeo.
This is the first episode from my new web series, "Conversations With Coleman" I'd rather not describe it too much, I'll let the work itself do the talking. Or Coleman...
"Menage a trois"
In this episode, master storyteller, Coleman Anderson recalls his experience with Amber, a girl who almost made his dreams come true.
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Garden of Translation (翻訳の庭)
The Garden of Translation (翻訳の庭) from on Vimeo.
This is a short documentary shot at the Japanese Gardens in Fort Worth, Texas. The poem written by Ono no Komachi and concerns the feelings of those who can see things they desire in dreams but are unable to make them materialize in reality. There are no subtitles given for the poem itself. This is to remain a mystery unless you might choose to google Ono no Komachi.
This film was made with the Canon Rebel T2i with Tokina wide angle lenses in 1080p at 24fps.This is the second part of a nature trilogy. The first part was entitled “The Farm”, which you can also see below:
The Farm (HD) from on Vimeo.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Dog Cat Rat
Dog Cat Rat from on Vimeo.
This is a short documentary about a man named Gregory Pike from Telluride, Colorado. Gregory tours the country making money on the streets while displaying the talents of his three animals. He is a man of peace and his message is that if these animals can live and work together in peace, then why can't we?
I met Gregory in downtown Fort Worth while shooting pictures on my lunch break. Then I discovered his three friends, Booger, Kitty, and Mousy. I followed them during my lunch break and we had a great time. This film was made with the Canon Rebel T2i with Tokina wide angle lenses in 1080p at 24fps. This is my first attempt at DSLR filmmaking... I want more!
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
The Fresh Show Episode 6
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
The Trail
The Trail from on Vimeo.
A horror movie trailer spoof about a deadly hiking trail. The announcer on the trailer decides its not such a good idea to take the trail and tries to make sense of it all. I decided to make this because there is this trail in my neighborhood that is really spooky looking. So I decided to make light of it and I grabbed my Flip cam and shot it, cut it, and did the Voice over on my laptop and boom, a little short was born. It also turned into a little homage to the opening credits of Tales From the Darkside. Hope everyone enjoys it, there is more comedy to come....
You can vote on its funniness at Funny or Die by clicking HERE
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Fresh Show Episode 4: Home Game Number One
The Fresh Show Episode 4 from Immotion Studios on Vimeo.
Hey there! The Fresh Show is getting really good now. Check out Episode 4 that is the directing debut of my assistant editor, Coleman "cooldaddy" Anderson. I think Coleman did a knockout job on this episode. I wanted drama and he went and out and got it. Great job dude! Episodes 5 and 6 are in the can and the show is just getting better! Thanks again to everyone at the North Texas Fresh basketball team and the ABA for continuing to give us unlimited access to this franchise. Come see The Fresh play by going HERE.
Carried Away trailer

I recently got the opportunity to edit a trailer for the film, Carried Away, directed by Fort Worth native, Tom Huckabee. The film was also produced by my good buddy and fellow Ft. Worth filmmaker James M. Johnston. The film has it's premiere at the Oxford Film Festival on Feb. 5! I will keep people in the mix when it hits town here. Congrats to everyone that worked on this film, they have done a tremendous job as the movie is quite good in my opinion. And thanks to Tom Huckabee and star Gabriel Horn for the opportunity to work on the film! Now get out there and kick some festival ass my friends! You can check out the official website by clicking HERE.
Carried Away (trailer E) from on Vimeo.
Zu's going big time again!

My cat, Zu did some modeling work for some cat food packaging for Food Lion store several months ago. Well he was seen and asked to do some more for a different client. And yesterday he did his second professional modeling gig! I took him in early to get him more comfortable, and after a while he knocked it out of the park. Zu is a cat that was found at my office who was abandoned and only has three feet. he was born without a back foot. So he's kind of a Pirate cat. I don't know when the packaging will be complete, but here are some pics and video from the shoot....

Monday, January 18, 2010
The Fresh Show Episode 3: Riders on the Storm
The Fresh Show Episode 3 from Immotion Studios on Vimeo.
Since July I have been following around (when I can) the new ABA expansion basketball team in Ft. Worth called, The North Texas Fresh. I knew that when I started this project that I wanted to do a documentary on a subject that I really loved. That being basketball. I had tried to do this with the Fort Worth Flyers a few years ago, but was cock blocked by the NBA. So next came this opportunity with the NT Fresh. At first I didn't really know where we where going. In fat this being my first doc, I'm still not sure myself. But I have enlisted some friends to help me with this labor of love. There is no pay in this, just love of the game and guys that are just trying to get a foot in the door of the pro level. They are hungry and play hard.
I started to make them more of a promotional video. In fact the first two episodes were very much promotional. So with this third episode I have tried to move more to a documentary style. I've been somewhat delayed in the filming due to some issues outside of my control, but with the help of my fillmmaker buddies, Coleman Anderson and Jason Todd Hampton they have picked me up and got me back into the grind of documentary filmmaking. Thank you guys! and thanks to Fresh CEO Jay Bowdy and the ABA for giving me total access to the team and operations. And also thanks to my day job at Immotion Studios for the use of the editing facilities and cameras to pull this off.
So I have decided to keep filming when possible, and also make a web series out of it for now so that i can practice my doc style on the fly while letting the series promote the team. Documentary filmmaking is rough going. Tougher than I ever imagined. It takes total and undying dedication. I am aspiring to get there, and my hat is off to all you documentarians out there. This is hard stuff. I plan on doing 10 episodes total. So here is the third episode in the series now re-nammed, The Fresh Show. Check it out above, and to see the others visit The Fresh Show site by clicking HERE.
If you want to catch a game sometime PLEASE come out and support your local ABA franchise by going HERE.
Texas Trust spot turns into a 78 reunion shoot!!
Texas Trust's Relationship Benefit web page from Immotion Studios on Vimeo.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Article on "Seventy-8" in the Fort Worth Business Press

Mike Price wrote a new article on the release of "Seventy-8" on DVD and Cable/Sat. You can check out the article by clicking HERE!
Thanks for the article Mike!
Seventy-8 on Cable, Satellite, VOD and PPV!

Ahoy peeps,
Just to let everyone know that my little movie "Seventy-8" is now available on a bunch of cable, sateillite, VOD and Pay per view providers. Thanks for everyone who got the DVD over the holidays, please pass the good word on! Take a look at the following list of Sat/Cable providers to see if its playing on your system:
Here is where Seventy-8 is playing until the end of Mar 2010:
Verizon FiOS
Roger (Canada)
Atlantic Broadband
DISH Network (VOD)
Blue Ridge
Cincinnati Bell
HTC Conway