Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Summer Movie Madness

Batman Begins
Originally uploaded by genzod.

Been a while since I've blogged, so here we go. First here are some thoughts on some movies that I have seen lately that deserve some attention and some that don't.
I am so hyped up for Batman that I am losing sleep over it. Yes I am a geek. I see it tomorrow night on the Imax screen, so I'll get to that tomorrow. Here are some mini reviews:

High Tension:
What a great movie ruined by a really bad ending. I won't give anything away, but the end of this movie just killed the rest of it for me. Great setup and photography and the movie really had me until the end. I felt so cheated by this movie that it made me angry that I really loved the first part so much. I have not seen the U.S. version yet, and I don't plan on it. I saw the uncut French version a few months ago, and that was enough. Go if you want to be freaked out, then leave before the ending. Make up your own, the filmmakers did.

Mr. and Mrs Smith:
Fun brainless eye candy. Two hot actors blowing shit up. Enough said. I forgot I had even seen it the next day, which is a good thing some days. Had a good time, nothing more nothing less.

Tarnation (DVD)
I had a hard time watching this documentary for the first few minutes, then after a while I was stuck in this guy's headspace for the rest of the running time. I was a little let down by the ending, but in retrospect it really ended as it should have. A really fascinating look into a person's life. This film was made on an old i mac with i movie editing software, and really illustrates what is so great about giving the power of making movies to the people.

Overnight (DVD)
Please. Please go rent this!!! Find it and watch the train wreck that ensues. This is the story of Troy Duffy who wrote this script, "The Boondock Saints" while working as a bartender in L.A. Miramax bought the script and Duffy's bar and set him up to be the next Tarantino. The only thing is Duffy really thinks he is the next Tarantino, and the documentary follows his self-destructive fall into obscurity. He burns every bridge he comes across to the point where you can't stand the sight of this guy before the documentary is over. Hats way off to the guys that made this documentary. You cats have balls, and I salute you.

And finally a few other things I've seen, Hellraiser 7:Deader was better than it should of been. And Tobe Hooper's Toolbox Murders is abysmal. What happened to the director of Poltergeist and Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Somebody find him. Please. Also if you enjoy people watching, check out Airline: Season One. Its an A&E series about people in airports trying to get on planes. A lot of fun. That's all for now....

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