Friday, December 30, 2005

Howard's last "free" Show

Sad day. Today is the last time you can hear Howard Stern on free radio. I've been a loyal listener for about 15 years now. To me Howard's show is not about T & A like most people think its all about. Its the early moments in the show, the real parts, and the people on the show. Most other shows are all clones are too fake to me. This is the show that picked me up during long commutes to college. And no matter how bad my life or day was going, Howard was always there to give me a pick me up of offbeat, obscure, and bad taste humor. (The best kind) I have even contributed to the show by sending him early George Takei tapes to the show that they use daily. I will be ready for the Sirius move on Jan. 9th, but paying for the new TV show is a bit too much for my bank account right now.

A quick funny story about Howard before I go. One time I was driving to class for a test and I was seriously stressed out about it. He was doing a bit about something and at that point traffic had come to a halt on I-30. I think it was when Billy West was a semi-regular on the show and I was laughing so hard that I forgot I was in traffic or even going to take a test. I looked over to my left and there were angry traffic people everywhere all pissed and upset. Then a guy pulled up next to me and was laughing as hard as I was. Looking back on that, I think that's what Howard is all about. When times are tough it's great to laugh, and Howard does that better than anyone on the air. "Shu, Shu Retarded Flu." "Oh my"

REVIEW: Gus Van Sant's Last Days

I watched director Gus Van Sant's latest film Last Days about Kurt Cobain's final hours. And I was warned by Jason not to watch it, but I did anyway cause I like Van Sant's stuff. Recently Van Sant has started making art films again and although I hated "Gerry" I loved "Elephant". "Last Days" is another matter. I had seen it on a few peoples best of the year lists as a misunderstood masterpiece. So I gave in and checked it out. Jason was right. It just sits there. It does nothing. For me at least. Whatever Cobain's genius was, it's not found here that's for sure. The movie sucks. Whoever thinks this is a masterpiece is smoking too much of whatever Van Sant is smoking in downtown Portland, Oregon. Now don't get me wrong I love Van Sant. I even kinda like his shot for shot remake of Pyscho, but its time to reel it in Gus. For real. Your style is cool, but your storytelling is tedious and a "beating" to get through at the moment. I know what he's trying to do, but he can do it better.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Amy at age 3...

Amy was making fun of me last night for vlogging and being self important. Here is some footage of Amy as a little girl in 1978. I put some of her favorite music behind it. Play the Quicktime movie down below.

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Farah White in Femme Fatales Magazine

Farah White from my movie, "Seventy-8" is in the latest issue of Femme Fatales on newstands now. She talks about her new TV Pilot with Sly Stallone and "Seventy-8". Go Farah!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

REVIEW: King Kong '05

The first movie my folks ever took me to see was King Kong with Jeff "The Dude" Bridges. So in 2005 I took my parents to see King Kong 2005. It was a real special night with my folks and Amy in tow. I was preparred to be wowed like the kid I was in 1976.
Peter Jackson hit a home run with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Can he do it again. Not really. I'm not comparing the two movies by any means. But its hard to live up to that last feat. Hopefully that won't haunt his career. I really wish he had made Lovely Bones first. A more Heavenly Creatures movie first before getting back into Lucasville antics.
The movie is really more of a loving tribute to the original 30's Kong. And I liked that, but I think it was too thick in places for me. I never felt like I was watching a solid movie about a monster. And anyone who knows me, knows I love a good monster movie. I had the same problem with this movie that I had with Godzilla:Final Wars this year. These are tribute films, not straight forward films. They don't take the subject matter seriously. Which shocked me considering how much love Jackson puts into his films. Sure Kong is great and is fully realized, but I always felt Jackson winking to me from behind the green screen. It was a fun ride like Jurassic Park, but nothing more for me. I'm about to re-watch Godzilla Final Wars this week, so maybe my reaction will change on a 2nd viewing. I will say this, the ending on top of the Empire State building is one of the most beautifully shot and put together pieces of film in a long while. Worth the price just for that scene alone.

Welcome to Vlogging... (click here to play)

Click on the Title above the pic to play the Vlog!

A Tale of Two Teams...

Man when i first wrote about the Mavs being out of control and the Rockets improving into a championship team I could not have been more wrong. The Mavs are impressive on any given evening and the Rockets are downright awful this year. Here is what happened: The Mavericks are winning games in the he fourth quarter. They used to build huge leads then lose them in the 4th, that's all different. Dirk is a MVP this year no doubt. Forget those two Lakers games. Those were odd flukes. Devin Harris is coming of age as an NBA star before our eyes. He is averaging double digits every night and dishing some serious assists to Jason Terry, Dirk, and Damp. And then there is that questionable off season pickup of Diop. No more questions. For whatever reason he sat on the bench in Cleveland for the last three seasons is beyond me. He is almost the leading shot blocker in the league this year! And Josh and Marquis are improving daily. This team is scary good folks. I guess I was so upset at the loss of Finley, I neglected to really take a hard look at this team. Stack has only played two games this year, but it didn't even matter. They are tied with the Spurs for first place in the West and 2 overall in the NBA. We beat #1 Detroit by 30 and have beat the Spurs one out of two times as well. Damp is even starting to play well as of late. Did I say this team is on its way? Congrats to Avery Johnson for making me a Mavs fan with out my beloved Fin. This is a team by every definition.

Now on to my Rockets... Oh God what a friggin mess. They got off to a decent start, then McGrady went down with a back injury. (Shades of the Orlando Magic anyone?) The Rockets could not win a game with McGrady. Then he comes back and wins 6 straight. Alston goes down, then Jon berry, then Mutumbo, then the final blow, Yao. This team probably won't make the playoffs this year. I saw Jeff Van Gundy pull a Marky mark from Boogie Nights the other night and just stare at the floor for a good 3 minutes. That Mike James trade was a big mistake. Maybe Skip to ma Lou will prove me wrong, but this team has no chemistry unless McGrady and Yao are out there together. Props to Moochie Norris and my favorite new Rocket, Luther Head for trying to keep hope alive. Stromile Swift had a good night tonight against the Hornets but missed a buzzer beater for the win. Otherwise he has been distant and too relaxed for a Van Gundy team. It';s a mess. I still think once Yao gets back and Jon Barry and a few others that they can do what they did last season and turn that ship around before the playoffs. However watching them tonight and last night, they have no confidence. McGrady looks like he's in Orlando again, and the bench of injuries looks like a Men's Warehouse ad for the NBA. Sad, but I will keep the hope alive for my Rockets.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

We Got Bling!

Amy and I are officially engaged!!!!!!!