Man when i first wrote about the Mavs being out of control and the Rockets improving into a championship team I could not have been more wrong. The Mavs are impressive on any given evening and the Rockets are downright awful this year. Here is what happened: The Mavericks are winning games in the he fourth quarter. They used to build huge leads then lose them in the 4th, that's all different. Dirk is a MVP this year no doubt. Forget those two Lakers games. Those were odd flukes. Devin Harris is coming of age as an NBA star before our eyes. He is averaging double digits every night and dishing some serious assists to Jason Terry, Dirk, and Damp. And then there is that questionable off season pickup of Diop. No more questions. For whatever reason he sat on the bench in Cleveland for the last three seasons is beyond me. He is almost the leading shot blocker in the league this year! And Josh and Marquis are improving daily. This team is scary good folks. I guess I was so upset at the loss of Finley, I neglected to really take a hard look at this team. Stack has only played two games this year, but it didn't even matter. They are tied with the Spurs for first place in the West and 2 overall in the NBA. We beat #1 Detroit by 30 and have beat the Spurs one out of two times as well. Damp is even starting to play well as of late. Did I say this team is on its way? Congrats to Avery Johnson for making me a Mavs fan with out my beloved Fin. This is a team by every definition.

Now on to my Rockets... Oh God what a friggin mess. They got off to a decent start, then McGrady went down with a back injury. (Shades of the Orlando Magic anyone?) The Rockets could not win a game with McGrady. Then he comes back and wins 6 straight. Alston goes down, then Jon berry, then Mutumbo, then the final blow, Yao. This team probably won't make the playoffs this year. I saw Jeff Van Gundy pull a Marky mark from Boogie Nights the other night and just stare at the floor for a good 3 minutes. That Mike James trade was a big mistake. Maybe Skip to ma Lou will prove me wrong, but this team has no chemistry unless McGrady and Yao are out there together. Props to Moochie Norris and my favorite new Rocket, Luther Head for trying to keep hope alive. Stromile Swift had a good night tonight against the Hornets but missed a buzzer beater for the win. Otherwise he has been distant and too relaxed for a Van Gundy team. It';s a mess. I still think once Yao gets back and Jon Barry and a few others that they can do what they did last season and turn that ship around before the playoffs. However watching them tonight and last night, they have no confidence. McGrady looks like he's in Orlando again, and the bench of injuries looks like a Men's Warehouse ad for the NBA. Sad, but I will keep the hope alive for my Rockets.
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