Watched this on my first day off from work. Wow. I didn't know you could make a 2 and half hour Noxema commercial into an action movie, but by golly they did. What a literal piece of shit this pile of dung is. This movie confirmed everything about Michael Bay I was afraid of. He can't tell a story. He can make it look smooth and polished all he wants, but its still a turd floating in the bowl. There are a few decent action sequences, but the story is done dude. Seen it. I was going to mention Gattaca, but that would be doing that film a disservice. Oh you know what this is my blog, and I can say what I want. THIS MOVIE EATS ASS!!!! I did get through it after stopping a few times to measure the grass in my yard, and on a moronic level it's entertaining on some level. But after the credits rolled, I felt so empty. Director Bay made The Rock which I walked out on, and Asteroids: The Movie, which I never saw, and the one movie he made I actually liked was Bad Boys 2 because it was so over the top, I couldn't help but like it. This is steaming folks. I stood in line with Scarlet Johansen once in LA and she said more dialog there than in this entire film. She is beautiful, but give her something to do besides say "Run" and my favorite, "Come on we gotta get out of here". (Ok I admit I think that line is in my film, "Seventy-8." ) Avoid "The Island" at all costs.
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