Well with the Dallas Mavericks season now over for another year, it must be noted that this was a hard pill to swallow sports fans. I did not write on my blog about the Mavs in the playoffs cause I did not feel the need to jinx them, but after all the changing jerseys at halftime to help, flip flops instead of shoes, etc, etc. it didn't seem to help much at the end. Here are my thoughts on each series in the playoffs:
Grizzlies: The Grizz are a good team. I think defensively they are tremendous. And I was really nervous playing them in the first round. How the Mavs swept them is hard to see, but I think it just came down to one thing, not enough weapons offense wise to stop the Mavs. There were some close games, and I think without this series as prep the mavs would not have defeated...
The Spurs: Amazing team the Spurs are. Tim Duncan was incredible. However, he is now without doubt the honest bitch in the NBA when he does not get a foul, and it hurts his team a lot. With all the complaining he did as we were fast breaking he may have been able to get back and stop a bucket or two. And this series really was that, a bucket here and you win. What a series, easily the best of the playoffs. And to dethrone the World Champions was a big step up for the little Mavs. I felt horrible for my Fin as he walked off the court with his head down. But hey Fin look up, you can go wherever you want, just don't go here...
The Suns: I now officially hate this team. I like the way they play at times, but that's why they will never win a championship. The coach of this team is really nuts. I mean I know he only has 5 players on his team, but Raja Bell can't defend every person on the court. He tries and does a good job, but give him some help if you ever want to go deeper. You can shoot all day long, but at some point your gonna have a bad night, and when the Suns have an off night, they have nothing else to bring to the table really. And that's why they lost this series. Love the Steve, but gotta keep moving. And Raja you need to get over yourself...
The Heat: I watched this team all year, and saw nothing I was afraid of. The only thing I worried about was Dwayne Wade. But Josh said before the series started that he could cover him, he did it in college, yada yada, yada. Well that didn't happen Josh. But you can't blame on just Joshua. The first two games were easy, and the third looked like a lock, then something happened. Someone on the sidelines put on a pair of slippers and we turned into the old Mavs from 2003. The next few games we settled for 3's instead of drives. Dirk decided to take jumpers instead of going into the lane. The refs decided to help out the NBA commissioners dream of never giving Mark Cuban a trophy. (For the record the calls in this years playoffs were at an all time low) And as we dropped 3 straight in Miami, we came home hopeful. I felt great about game 6, then with a double digit lead, the Heat chipped away at the lead by going to the hole. And what did we do shoot 4 three pointers in a row to get back in the game, including the final one at the end of the game to clang off the rim to become the death call and ultimate choke in Dallas sports history. A season wasted perhaps, only next year will tell.
A few things I learned from this season: Defense is a great thing. Avery rules. 3 pointers are good when they are going down, but stay in dating stage, don't ever get married to it. TNT is officially the biggest piece of shit biased network covering the NBA. ESPN is a close second. I lost most of my respect for Charles Barkley. Kenny Smith is beginning to ware on me. But Ernie Johnson still has some class thank God. Tim Thomas is pinhead from the movie freaks. Dwayne Wade is the second coming of Christ apparently. Shaq is the Heats new Mascot, cause he can't play much anymore. Pat Riley is playing Skeletor in the new He-Man movie. Stackhouse is a tank. Dirk went from God back to Dirk. Randy Galloway proves he is an absolute moron. Laura Miller needs to plan parades in her head only. The Ticket still rules. Dan Patrick wears more makeup than Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Cuban needs to relax and take a back seat during the games. All said, Mavs rule.
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