I have been in a filmmaking funk for about three years now. After "Seventy-8" did not set things off for me as I would of liked, I Focused more on my day job of making commercials and whatnot and worked on a lot friends films projects, trailers, etc. I've been busier since "Seventy-8" than before but not creatively challenged so much. I have watched how digital distribution especially for short films has really exploded via the web. That got me thinking again. Since "Seventy-8" I experimented with putting some of my older shorts from several years back on You Tube and older shorts like "When Beatles Attack" and "Morning Wood" had over 25,000 views. That's really quite cool, and very immediate and satisfying knowing that your work will be consumed that quickly, and that they show up on other peoples blogs and just have this life that goes on and on and on. So I started thinking about comedy again and shorts and distributing them on the web. I had so much fun doing them before and showing them to friends and co-workers, why not expand that to the entire world. All the frustrations of distribution and dvd duplication and all that are gone. You make it, you cut it, you send it out. Simple.
Some people say well that's true, but you can't make any money that way. Well true to an extent. But you see I'm at a point in my life where I'm married to an incredible person, I make decent money doing what I love to do day in and day out. I don't always have creative control of those projects, but I don't need to, because its the process that I am in love with more than anything. And now with things like ifilm and youtube and other sites that push shorts, all i have to do is make something I like or that I think other people might find amusing or dramatic in some manner. The rest will take care of itself. I WANT to make another feature film. I have several ideas in the pipeline. But until that opportunity presents itself again, I am back to being a short filmmaker for the time being. And I'm not totally sure if comedy will be the driving force, but i t will be a large element. I will make announcement soon on where you can see all the new shorts that we will be producing.

The first I am proud to say is already in the can and cut together. "Death by Powerpoint" was shot on Saturday June 9th. I am posting a few screencaps from the film here on the blog. It is a comedy and I guess you could say its a dark comedy, but its also pretty goofy too. This short is very simple: It's about a guy who has too many things going on in his life and gets stuck in a Powerpoint presentation from hell. It stars Tom Zembrod from "Seventy-8" and this dude I found on the streets named Matt Tyndall. They both turned in some great performances and I can't wait for people to see them. Also my Grandfather at 92 came in for a cameo appearance. The usual crew of Big O, K-Flach, and the Goods came out and sacrificed their Saturday to help out. I am eternally grateful to all. So look for "Death by Powerpoint" coming very soon on this blog and a new site that will house all the new work.
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