This morning "Death by Powerpoint" hit over 3000 viewings that we know of for just yesterday alone. Thanks to everyone in the cast and crew and all the viewers out there for making this first Atombomb production a great success!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Welcome to

Hope all of you are doing well. I wanted to let all of you know that starting today my new short film site, is live and ready to roll. What is For years I have wanted my short films to have a life beyond the tiny film festivals. They usually sit in my closet for the rest of their lives. So I have created a web page to show not only my own short films but other filmmakers in the DFW area. Think of it as an internet television station if you will. Now I have a place to show these short films the way I would like them to be shown. You can watch it on the page, or download a Quicktime, ipod, or if you have a lot of patience, Quicktime High Definition format.
The goal is to show a new short film every month. Some will be original programs produced for And others will be those made outside of the site, but ones worthy of being seen. Once you land on the page, you can enter and watch a short film on the page. If you want a copy of it, there are many options for downloading. If you want to email it to a friend or even embed it on your website or blog, you can do that as well. There are also bonus features like filmmaker commentary, photos from the set, and sometimes even some bloopers. There is an even a blog where the filmmakers will write articles about the film's production. Or maybe even an article written by the actors about how cruel the director was. You can leave comments and interact with the cast and crew as well. There is also a store coming that you can buy merchandise. All the procedes to this go into our next films budget. So by buying stuff in the store you kind of become a co-producer!
And this brings us to our debut film, "Death by Powerpoint". (in fact it's our only short on the site right now, but just wait...) We filmed it in June , and it is a comedy starring Tom Zembrod and Matt Tindall. This film follows a ordinary business man trying to get out of an accounting presentation on Friday afternoon. It's written and directed by myself. Produced by Jason Todd Hampton, Erik Clapp, and Amy Clapp. With Music by Paul Unger and special visual effects by Kevin Flach.
This site is designed to showcase some of the great talented filmmakers in the DFW area. I hope everyone enjoys the new site. Check back often and please email all your friends to check it out and please put the shorts on your own sites and blogs!!!
"Death by Powerpoint" can also be seen on:
youtube,,, googlevideo, yahoovideo,,, and
peace out,
erik clapp
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Highlander: The Source

They made a Highlander 5 movie a few years ago, and has been sitting on a shelf for quite a while now. By accident, I discovered that tonight it premieres not at the movies, not on DVD, but on the Sci-Fi Channel. Sci-fi Channel? My, how the mighty Highlanders have fallen. Oh well I was a fan of the movies, good and bad, and the TV show was actually really good. I didn't see seasons 5, 6, or 7, but i heard they were very good. Adrian Paul is back as the Highlander, Duncan. No Conner storyline this time with Christopher Lambert. (he he he) So tonight Highlander 5: The Source premieres. It's not a good indication that it's debut is on the Sci-Fi channel, but we will give it go...there can be more than one.
UPDATE: This is without a doubt one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It is jaw droppingly bad. A disgrace to all things Highlander. The movie makes Highlander 2 seem like a masterpiece... I am in shock.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Blood on the Highway

More shout outs in store for my man, Barak Epstein. Barak just wrapped yesterday on his second feature film, Blood on the Highway, a crazy vampire comedy. Knowing Barak, it should be a shit load of fun. You can go to the website by clicking HERE.
To see a trailer for Barak's first film, "Prison A Go-Go" look below:
Merrily, Merrily trailer

Shout out to James M. Johnston, my fellow FW filmmaker and vegan chief extreme on finishing his newest short opus, Merrily, Merrily. This is the first part of a trilogy according to JMJ. Good work my friend, and all of you should check out his trailer on his official blog HERE. Word.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Diary of the Dead's first review from Toronto!!

Found a Toronto Film Fest blog that posted the first ever review of George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead, the fifth film in the Romero zombie cannon. According to this reviewer it sounds as if the social commentary is stronger than ever and that the zombie kills are just as potent. I'll be there opening day.
Click HERE to read the review. I'm sure there will be others popping up by Monday morning.
Click HERE for a review of Diary and the new Coen Bros. flick, "No Country for Old Men".
Saturday, September 08, 2007
REVIEW: 3:10 to Yuma

Wow. Finally a remake that kicks ass! With so much summer rubbish disgracing the screen this summer, this movie is of a quality that we just don't see often anymore. There is really nothing bad I can say about this film. The performances by Crowe and Bale are spot on. And dare I say Bale is becoming my new favorite actor. Yuma is a remake of the Glen Ford classic of the same name. I know I have seen bits of the original growing up in a western film fanatics household, but my memory of it is pretty bare bones. The films premise is quite simple, but emotionally complex at the same time. Bale's character is one-legged ex solider who can never seem to catch a break on his ranch in Arizona. Even his sons and wife doubt his will to care for them. And that is what the heart of the film is. Meanwhile Crowe, a ruthless outlaw is captured in a nearby town and Bale enlists as one of the men to escort him to a nearby town to board the 3:1o to Yuma, AZ. He will be payed enough money to help his family see the season through.
Crowe's posse follows and the action flows from there. This western in RAW. Its not the romantic west, its the hard edged fend for yourself West. And PLEASE go see this at the movies. Westerns can't truly be appreciated on a computer screen or on a TV. They need to breath, and the big screen is only place that can happen. The score by Marco Beltrami is also great here. As soon as I got home I got it on itunes. But for me what I loved most about this movie is that Bale didn't need to do this job for the money, he did it so his sons could look him in the eye and be proud of their father. That's what drives his character through all the madness and hardship of bringing Crowe to justice. Crowe is also really good, but by far the actor that steal pretty much the whole movie from everyone is Ben Foster as Crowe's second in command. This is what a bad guy should be. Nasty and mean. You really hate the guy, and that's such a huge issue now in action movies. The bad guys are either so over the top that you see through it or they just simply are not interesting enough to care about one way or another. Foster is really powerful in his role and he captures your attention as a villain.
Enough praise, GO SEE THIS!!!!! NOW!
Friday, September 07, 2007
The Coolest Movie News Ever?

Today a story broke out in the showbiz trades that Tobey McGuire's production company had acquired the rights to my favorite geek robot show of all time, Robotech. People have asked me if you could do a big budget movie what would you do? I always dreamed of seeing a Robotech live action movie. I guess I'll never get to make that, but Spidey will. Tobey plans to play the title character Rick Hunter. (can't see that one yet) Robotech blows Transformers away in every respect, most notably in story. Robotech had a very distinct story at it's core, and it took three years (seasons) to tell it through three generations. I would skip school to watch this show sometimes. I don't know how well its story will hold up today and I'm sure they will muck it up somehow, but Tobey was quoted as saying that the story is long enough to sustain a long series. It's an epic story and not a weekly toy commercial. but thanks to the Transformers success, it looks as though the giant robot movies are coming. Voltron is also announced as well. What about Starblazers???? I want to experience the wave motion gun in THX in my lifetime.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Diary of the Dead is nigh!
Sir George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead has a premiere this Saturday at the Toronto Film Festival. It will be a while before it gets here. Until then enjoy this little web video from the Diary myspace page.
The Roots
The Roots
REVIEW: Live Free or Die Hard (aka Die Hard 4.0)

If I had a choice to live free or die hard during my time spent watching Live Free or Die Hard, i would prefer to die hard. Actually I saw the R-rated international version, Die Hard 4.0 as it's called outside America. I don't know how it may compare to the U.S. version, but I'm sure there can't be much to help this sad excuse for a Die hard flick. I mean come on, Die Hard is one of THE best action films EVER made bar none. I remember my friend in high school said that this movie Die Hard with that guy from Moonlighting is really good. I went in hating Moonlighting and Willis, and emerged a fan. (Of Willis at least) The second one was so-so, and the third was pushing the limits of believability, but this one is almost a parody of a Die Hard movie. I couldn't take it seriously. It was just so over the top action wise that it made me almost as mad as Zombie's Halloween. This is John John McClaine here, not Superman. McClaine was a guy who got stuck in a tight situation and was able to overcome his fears and pull of some crazy yet realistic tricks. Now he dodges flying cars, helicopters with fire hydrants, and can even and get ready for this take down an F-15 fighter jet with a semi truck. This is not our John McClaine. This is like a 13 year old telling you about Die Hard, but with a 13 year old's embellishment on the material. Live free and rent Die Hard 1.
There Will Be Blood

This is the new teaser poster for the new P.T. Anderson movie, "There Will Be Blood". P.T. (Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, Magnolia) has not made anything in years, so I'm really looking forward to this! It opens day after X-mas, and yes there will be blood.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
REVIEW: The King of Kong

When I first saw this title, I thought oh God, Peter Jackson must have made another King Kong documentary to suck more life out our favorite giant ape. But this is not about King Kong at all, but rather Donkey Kong. Yes you read right. The first Mario game is the focus of this incredible documentary that I encourage everyone to see as soon as you can. It is not playing in many theaters, but I hope that changes as it becomes more popular. This really is in my top 5 films of the year thus far.
King of Kong details the proposed showdown of two top Donkey Kong players from the 80's. One is an arrogant prick named Billy who thinks he is God's gift to everything and holds the current record. Then there is Steve, a family man and goodhearted guy who always came in second in life. One day Steve video tapes himself breaking the Donkey Kong high score held by Billy. The tape is then inspected as is the game and ruled by self proclaimed Donkey Kong experts to be unofficial since it did not occur in public.
Steve decides to travel to the Video Game arcade to have it officially counted and have a showdown with Billy. What follows is several years worth of crazy happenings in this odd and cultish world of 80's video game fanantics that even have 24 hour parties of just watching video tapes of guys playing games for over 15 hours at a clip!

There is everything you could ever want in this documentary. Drama, comedy, tension, and most of all real life characters. The type of people you don't see much of everyday. It's so great. I cannot speak highly enough. I got to go there is a kill screen coming up! Enjoy the trailer below and GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!!! NOW.
This will help wash the nasty taste of Rob Zombie's Halloween out of your mouth. I also had the misfortune of sitting through Live Free or Die Hard. (more on that later..) The more I think about that pile of garbage, Halloween the more I want my Blu-Ray of the original in my hands on in October. I even threw out my copy of House of 1000 Corpses in digust and protest.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
REVIEW: Rob Zombie's Halloween

I don't even want to get started on how much this movie disappointed me on almost every level. Hopefully this is not a career killer for director Rob Zombie, because he does have talent. (Devil's Rejects) But not here. The idea behind the movie is good, it's just executed horribly. Malcom McDowell is one saving grace as Loomis. But that's not saying much. In fact I can't even see the point of me wasting any more energy typing anything on this movie. Let me sum it up for you: IT SUCKS.
P.S. And one other thing that I wanted to point out to Rob. Why does everyone in your movies have to look like you? That's very annoying.
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