When I first saw this title, I thought oh God, Peter Jackson must have made another King Kong documentary to suck more life out our favorite giant ape. But this is not about King Kong at all, but rather Donkey Kong. Yes you read right. The first Mario game is the focus of this incredible documentary that I encourage everyone to see as soon as you can. It is not playing in many theaters, but I hope that changes as it becomes more popular. This really is in my top 5 films of the year thus far.
King of Kong details the proposed showdown of two top Donkey Kong players from the 80's. One is an arrogant prick named Billy who thinks he is God's gift to everything and holds the current record. Then there is Steve, a family man and goodhearted guy who always came in second in life. One day Steve video tapes himself breaking the Donkey Kong high score held by Billy. The tape is then inspected as is the game and ruled by self proclaimed Donkey Kong experts to be unofficial since it did not occur in public.
Steve decides to travel to the Video Game arcade to have it officially counted and have a showdown with Billy. What follows is several years worth of crazy happenings in this odd and cultish world of 80's video game fanantics that even have 24 hour parties of just watching video tapes of guys playing games for over 15 hours at a clip!

There is everything you could ever want in this documentary. Drama, comedy, tension, and most of all real life characters. The type of people you don't see much of everyday. It's so great. I cannot speak highly enough. I got to go there is a kill screen coming up! Enjoy the trailer below and GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!!! NOW.
This will help wash the nasty taste of Rob Zombie's Halloween out of your mouth. I also had the misfortune of sitting through Live Free or Die Hard. (more on that later..) The more I think about that pile of garbage, Halloween the more I want my Blu-Ray of the original in my hands on in October. I even threw out my copy of House of 1000 Corpses in digust and protest.
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