Well normally this isn't a movie i would see. I hated the first one, thought it was made by really immature post film grad students. (if they made it that far) But my old intern Coleman has a bromance brewing with Jason Statham or JS as he likes to call him. I have to say this film is much better than the last one, because this time the creators got the joke and embraced it. This is a full out cartoon the likes of Takashi Miike would revel in.
Let us sum up: JS survives falling out of a plane and hitting a car full force. Not a scratch. He is picked up with a shovel and has a heart transplant and given a battery powered replacement. And guess what, he has to keep the battery going. Shock! So with the help of Dwight Yokam he tries to find the people who transplanted his heart into an asian David Carradine. Still with me? Next is a series of cartoon like sequences that I have yet to fully understand. It all ends in a giant gang battle of the scum of LA. There is a pretty amazing sequence, (and when I say amazing, I mean they actually had the balls to do this amazing) where JS fights an asian guy in a dream like sequence where they are the size of Godzillas in a power plant. JS wears a deformed mask of himself. There is also a full out sex scene with (I'll do it if you put my name above the title) Amy Smart on a horse track during a race. Still living speaking decapitated heads in fish tanks, and Bai Ling and Pedro.
Go in prepared to have your mind raped and you'll enjoy the fun. I think this one works better, because the filmmakers embraced the absurdity of what they were doing and just went for it.
1 comment:
This movie is a cinematic masterpiece!
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