Had a weird day on Sunday. We got up and I told Amy how Fox is dumping Mike Judge's new movie, Idiocracy in 5 cities without any poster, trailer, or any commercial promotion at all. I mean this is the genius behind Beavis and Butthead and AMy's favorite movie of all time I think, Office Space. Not to mention King of the Hill. So we drove to one of the few theaters playing it and besides us there was one other person in the theater. Sad. The movie itself is no Office Space, but it has moments that will make you laugh out loud, and we did. The movie concerns Luke Wilson a nobody army guy who is frozen in an experiment and forgotten about until the year 2500. In that time the world has bred nothing but idiots to the point of smart people being relegated to being called gay and ignored. The president is a popular wrestler and Costco's are the size of cities that you have to take trains to get to the electronics part. So Luke is now the smartest person alive, but not before being tortured for being smart. Its all a kind of take on the dumbing down and commercialism of America. I thought it made some really valid points like Office Space did about the office environment of today. But it kind of gets dragged down by its own dumbness towards the end. It was a noble attempt at social commentary, and I think Fox really did the film a disservice by ignoring it this much. I mean its Mike Judge. He makes you a lot of money daily on King of the Hill. Give the guy a commercial at least. Its funny to me that the very thing Judge complains about in the dumbing down of America is actually happening in a big way to his own film. That's the real moral of this movie.
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