Hi George. You really pissed me off this time. I'm done with you and your bullshit moves to rip off your fans over and over again. Did you catch Attack of the Show the other night where they took 200 of the new Star Wars dvds and chain sawed them all to bits. Let me explain to you why you fucked this up. You released the Star Wars original trilogy (and we will keep it to the original trilogy, the other is a whole other rant) on dvd a year or so ago. They were the special editions with the new scenes added in. That's cool, thanks for that George. I bought those on laser discs back in the day more than once. Hope you enjoyed that. I think its great that you are leading the way in new movie technology both in making and distributing them. In this area no one comes close to your genius. Keep it up. Here is where you fucked up yet again.
For years fans have been dying to have the original versions without al the extra CG scenes in. So after taking our money after all these years you thank us all by pissing in our face. You put out the original movies without cleaning up the print and in a non anamorphic transfer to boot. Meaning no widescreen. And your response was "well that's the unaltered versions". Well let me explain something to you assface. We like the fact that you clean the negative and make the film look as it were new. And we would like to see it in widescreen on our 16:9 tvs that we forked over a bunch of our hard earned money to enjoy our favorite movies. Instead you use the exact same transfers on the laserdisc and say "well that's what they wanted." George let me explain something to you. We are not six years old anymore. Don't treat us like that. As a fan of Star Wars and you as a filmmaker I don' think you get your fans. Get the FUCK out of your house and talk some real people instead of avitars. Maybe you'll learn how to write again in the process. Don't get me wrong here, you have every right to tinker with your movies, they are yours and god bless you for keeping them that way. Just don't piss on us man, we fucking made you, and we can unmake you.
Now, the next topic. A mere few days after you release your latest round of bullshit onto the public you have the balls to donate 125 million or something like that to UCLA film school. I know that's your alma mater and shit, but hey dipshit why don't you donate that money back to your fans by giving it to film schools that need the help. UCLA is fine. They are just fine, they don't need it. If you want to harbor new talent, give it to a school like UTA where I went where we barely had a working edit bay or a decent tripod. Whew, you are a real pisser George. I used to defend your ass to people that were dissing you but I'm done. Your done. These two events this closely just really pissed me off. I mean you make 125 million off some bullshit slap in the face to fans then donate all of it to rich Hollywood kids. F you dude because I care. I read somewhere that you fear that you have become what you most hated and wanted to not be. Well stop it, and get back to where you started. Otherwise I'll post all the extras that you have not released from the old laserdiscs on YouTube.
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