(a.k.a. stay away from this shit...)
Some people had this on their top ten list, I thought it was prentious.
"Skeleton Key"
I couldn't concentrate on this for some reason. No matter how cute Kate is.
"Diary of a Mad Black Woman"
Started good, ended bad. Bad bad bad.
Even with Superman in it, I could have cared less"
"Snakes on a Plane"
There is a reason this movie didn't live up to hype. It sucks."
Good performances, thats it.
"Beer League"
Message to Artie Lange, don't quit your day job...
"Black Dahlia"
DePalma, where are you dude.
"Lady in the Water"
Put a cork in M.Night, he's done.
"The Last Kiss"
This was supposed to be realisitic? OK.
"Beowulf and Grendel"
Go see Lord of the Rings again or 300.
"Memoirs of Geisha"
I don't remember much
"DaVinci Code"
Great looking movie, great premise, yet empty. Keep trying Opie.
Nice throwback to 80's horror. But its 2007.
If you have one after seeing this, go watch the Asian original.
"Demon Lover"
Again great looking flick, yet totally boring.
Made me want to take crank during it to make it go by even faster. (Parrot gag was funny) UPDATE: I wrote this post while watching it, after finishing it, this is by far the worst movie I have seen in a long time.
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