I have not discussed some of my favorite TV shows. As I am behind in almost every show except Heroes, I'll do my best here. Ill focus on four shows that I follow: Smallville, Heroes, Battlestar Galactica and The Office.
The Office:
Show is still funny, but you can tell in its third season they are stretching to find new stuff. They spend a lot of time out of the office now, which for some things is fun, but now it seems every other week they are out of the office. I suppose as the show has become more popular there is a need to tone down the more creepy comedy and go a bit more mainstream with the plot lines. Thank god there is still no laugh track. Laugh tracks are beatings to me. Anyway the show itself still is good for a few laughs, but I am no longer foaming at the mouth to see it.

Battlestar Galactica:
This show started its third season well, and then somewhere fell off. I'm not nearly as passionate about this show as I was. The plotlines are still good, but they are beginning to back peddle and move away from the main plot. I am about 4 episodes behind, so hopefully they can turn things around b4 the finale in a few weeks.

I am really digging this show, but unlike Battlestar in the first 2 seasons you get the sense they don't know where its going anymore. The episodes are still outstanding, but this is like a tv series of the movie Unbreakable that will probably never end. And that’s too bad. I think it would be cool if a new series was planned for 2 or 3 seasons with a beginning, middle, and end and then the show was done. Fin. But I am sure they will drag this greatness on until it is no longer greatness. But for now I am enjoying the Heroes and the new ones they are finding along the way. I love the subplot of Silas and his evil plot to kill off everyone. You are starting to see who will be good and who will be evil in the long run. I wish this show a long life if they can keep it up. If not don't screw it up, write an ending and do it up right.

So far this season has been pretty mediocre. There have been a few bright spots, but the "discovery" phase of Clark Kent's powers is growing thin. The one good thing about the show is the plotline of Clark and Lex. I love how they have had 5 seasons to grow their relationship. That’s really the best part of the show now. The Green Arrow is OK with me, but what really beats me down is Lana Lang. PLEASE kill her off the show. She drags this show down to a grinding skid and stop. It would make the Clark/Lex relationship even more insane and lay the groundwork for a future relationship of epic proportions. Please no more kidnapping episodes. Enough. Everyone on the show has been kidnapped now. The quota is reached! This show might have one more year left in it. With the Superman Returns 2 being delayed a year, it may be the only Super related show for a while.
Oh I have also begun to really like a show called Robot Chicken. There is a link on my sidebar under tv.
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