Wow. Wow. Wow. This is by far the best horror movie I have seen in many many years. I really don't know where to start to dissect this bitch. I was not a fan of director Neil Marshall's first movie, Dog Soldiers. My how things changed. I don't know how or why this film was not a huge hit. I mean it will obviously gain an audience in the next few years and will someday be up there with the great horror films in history. And to think this sat on the shelf for over a year. Why oh why did I not get my ass in gear and go see this in the theater!!! Damn me to hell! I hate myself for missing this on the big screen. Why oh why didn't I pull the trigger on that UK DVD import a few years ago. The horror. The horror. Anyway, here is the setup:
Sportswoman Sarah loses her husband and daughter in a car crash, but she survives. One year later, her friends Beth, Rebecca, Sam and Holly, leaded by Juno, invite her to explore a deep cave in the mountains. When the expedition is about three kilometers underground, a rock collapses and blocks the access tunnel, trapping the group inside the cave. With limited supplies, they try to find a way out, but sooner they face a hunger and savage breed of predators.
This movie gave me the creeps. If you are at all claustrophobic, run from this movie. For me the monsters were scary and all but the worst scene for me is the one where Sarah is stuck in the rocks before the monster peeps are even introduced. Creepy, intense, and very gory. A perfect mix of suspense and gore. As Chainsaw and Dave from Summer School would say, "we give this two thumbs up, make that four for gore. Gore aside, this movie is friggin scary folks. The cinematography, music, and sound are all top notch. Screw those teenage horror movies and American remakes of Japanese horror films, this is the real deal, and someday will join the ranks of classic horror films.
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